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Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Drought Stress in Trees

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Drought can cause serious damage to trees, and it’s important to recognize the signs. We’ll discuss the telltale signs of drought stress in trees.

Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Drought Stress in Trees

Trees provide shade, oxygen, and homes for wildlife. However, they can become stressed due to environmental conditions like drought. Stress from drought can lead to various problems, like leaf drop, branch dieback, and tree death. As a responsible tree owner, you should learn the signs of drought stress and take the necessary steps to mitigate the problem before it’s too late. We’ll discuss the importance of recognizing the telltale signs of drought stress in trees and provide some advice on how to address it.

Wilting Leaves

The first sign of drought stress in a tree is wilting leaves. If the leaves on your trees are drooping and curling, the trees are not getting enough water. The leaves may turn yellow or brown before falling off the tree, even if it’s not seasonally appropriate. If you’re noticing these signs, try deep watering the soil around the tree’s drip line.

Dying Branches

Dying branches also signify drought stress. If you notice a branch or two has lost all its leaves and looks dead, the tree might be suffering from drought stress. In some cases, branches may die back entirely, but this depends on the severity of the drought stress. Pruning the dead branches will prevent them from falling and damaging your property.

Cracking Bark

If the bark on your tree is cracking, that’s a sign of severe drought stress. Cracks can occur in both young and mature trees. The bark might appear dry, discolored, or flaky. If left untreated, the cracking bark may lead to tree death. Water your trees to help them absorb moisture.

Weak Root System

Drought can impact the root system of trees, which can cause the trees to become unstable and more susceptible to wind damage. If you notice your tree leaning or its roots are exposed, call a professional arborist to save your tree. They may recommend deep watering or tree cabling to stabilize it.

Insect and Disease Infestations

Drought-stressed trees are more susceptible to insect infestations and diseases. Diseased trees left untreated can die. If you notice diseased trees on your property, seek help from a certified arborist.

Drought stress can cause long-term damage to your trees. Recognize and address the common signs of drought stress in trees as soon as possible to help them heal. Contact Watts Tree Service today for residential tree cutting services. Our professionals can help you identify the signs of drought stress and provide solutions to save your trees.

Last modified: January 8, 2024

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