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Residential Wind Sailing Tree Services

Wind Sail Pruning

Wind sail pruning is a technique that involves the careful reduction of growth in the crown of a tree, helping to reduce wind drag and the risk of unexpected tree falls. As trees grow, branches can create a dense network of foliage that prevents wind from passing through easily. This wind sail effect amplifies conditions that may cause limbs to break or, in a worst-case scenario, a tree to fall over. This effect is understandably worsened during storms and periods of high winds. So if you’re interested in reducing the risk of danger or damage as inclement weather rolls through, contact a team that specializes in wind sailing trees.


To help reduce the threat of this wind sail effect, Watts Tree Service offers windsail reduction pruning. Factoring in growth patterns, existing damage, and overall tree health, our ISA Certified Arborists will develop a plan for pruning your trees. This can go a long way toward helping to reduce the risk of unexpected breakage and tree falls–both of which can lead to serious injury and expensive property damage. By keeping up with this level of maintenance, you can keep your family and home safe while minimizing potential future expenses.

In general, tree pruning eliminates dead, diseased, and infested limbs that could threaten a tree’s health.

Branches that have grown too long or in an unhealthy pattern can also cause trees to split or limbs to break. Windsail reduction takes this a step further by factoring in the density of growth in a tree’s crown.


Because wind sail pruning focuses on reducing growth in the upper reaches of a tree’s growth, special care is required to ensure the process is completed safely. With over a decade of experience and access to high-quality tools and machinery, our team is prepared to manage this process for you. Furthermore, we’ll be sure to only reduce tree growth where necessary to promote better wind resistance–without risking damage to your tree’s health and future growth.


Watts Tree Service is a top option for those wanting to keep their landscaping looking great while maintaining a practical and safe environment for the entire family. Contact us today to learn more about how we wind sail trees correctly and to book a consultation.

Seeking a proactive approach to tree health?

We can help protect your safety, property, and peace of mind with our wind sail pruning services.

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Look beyond aesthetics and current tree health

Our wind sail pruning services offer a proactive approach to tree care, so you can rest easy that your trees and property will stay safe, even during storms and periods of high winds.

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